ジョンクェルコンサルティング [Jonquil Consulting Inc.] ジョンクェルコンサルティング [Jonquil Consulting Inc.]

Creation of new products and new business themes “Real economic crisis and theme created by the new coronavirus.”

The economic collapse brought by the new coronavirus

It’s been almost a year past since The new coronavirus developed in Wuhan in December 2019. It is needless and not exaggerated to say that the various collapses that occurred during that time have changed the environment surrounding humans in just one year. And it can be said that there is no even sign of recovery for the next few years.
As this situation continues, I predict that a real economic crisis would come from March to April 2021.
So far, we (as the nation, companies and individuals), have been managing to overcome difficulties by cutting down our savings.
However, we cannot supply enough to demand because we cannot “manufacture” globally, not because running out savings.

In other words, it can be said that it is because the new coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China, has disrupted manufacturing, supply chains, and even to logistics, and has destroyed the world economy after all.

“Real-life economy crisis” and “Theme creation” by the new coronavirus

In viewing of the circumstances, it can be said that theme creation is vital from the viewpoint of manufacturing theory. In particular, although it is a forecast, I think you would acknowledge that we need some manufacturing which could prepare for the real-life economic crisis that will come in March and April 2021. And then we need to create a theme in advance. So, I bet you want to know what’s the answer to the current theme would be? I can tell the answer is, It would be the product with only the necessary features.
To that end, it is crucial getting its valuation of the functions that make up the product.

I hope that you will give it a try.


1952年10月(生) 東京都出身、英国ウェールズ大学大学院修了
役職 株式会社ジョンクェルコンサルティング 代表取締役
講師歴任 早稲田大学 社会科学総合学術院招聘講師
顧問歴任 岩手県陸前高田市 環境浄化顧問、日本テトラポッド株式会社 技術顧問



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