ジョンクェルコンサルティング [Jonquil Consulting Inc.] ジョンクェルコンサルティング [Jonquil Consulting Inc.]

Green Recovery Tech. “Technology to dispose of CO2 (CCUDM)”

Will decarbonisation be OK?

The question that has emerged in the energy industry in 2021 is all about: “Will decarbonisation be OK?” In the early part of the year, the image of hydrogen as creating a clean society was rampant. Still, in the middle and late part of the year, the price of natural gas soared, and we are about now reverting to a policy of using coal as an energy source. However, apart from the term “decarbonized equals to hydrogen”, extreme weather events are taking a heavy toll on human life. We don’t have time to preach about delusional things. I think it is important to eliminate the CO2 emitted now.

Technology to dispose of CO2

Given these facts, although a technology called CCS backfills CO2 into the ground, I think we can say that the technology that eliminates CO2, mainly the one under development by our firm, is the long-awaited technology. The time to immerse yourself in mirage-like illusions is gone, and it is essential to focus on the technology to dispose of CO2.


1952年10月(生) 東京都出身、英国ウェールズ大学大学院修了
役職 株式会社ジョンクェルコンサルティング 代表取締役
講師歴任 早稲田大学 社会科学総合学術院招聘講師
顧問歴任 岩手県陸前高田市 環境浄化顧問、日本テトラポッド株式会社 技術顧問



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