ジョンクェルコンサルティング [Jonquil Consulting Inc.] ジョンクェルコンサルティング [Jonquil Consulting Inc.]

Green Recovery Tech. (Re-post) “The quantity of CO2 reductions and the proof by monitoring”

In promoting decarbonise, this issue of proving the quantity of CO2 reductions seems to have been forgotten for a long time. However, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) have finally put this importance into perspective and started developing it. Upon this movement, even it’s just a part of it, we are grateful to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) for adopting our research report (published in August 2021) to one of their JCM project.
In this report, they refer to it as the “CO2 Reduction Program”. It is good to raise “the CO2 reduction figures” as a numerical value, but without a method to guarantee them, it is impossible to prove the correctness of those figures. By monitoring the amount of CO2 reduction, the amount of reduction will be detected by some method. The first thing that comes to mind could be the sensor. However, even if a sensor detects CO2, we can realise that it will not be so easy when we start to push forward with development, such as how to grasp it as an amount and where to detect the location of the emission source.


1952年10月(生) 東京都出身、英国ウェールズ大学大学院修了
役職 株式会社ジョンクェルコンサルティング 代表取締役
講師歴任 早稲田大学 社会科学総合学術院招聘講師
顧問歴任 岩手県陸前高田市 環境浄化顧問、日本テトラポッド株式会社 技術顧問



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