ジョンクェルコンサルティング [Jonquil Consulting Inc.] ジョンクェルコンサルティング [Jonquil Consulting Inc.]

Creation of new product and business themes “Theme creation and front-end-loading”

The decline of competitiveness and quality due to the impact of the new coronavirus

It is said that human beings have abundant application power, but in reality, when faced with problems, it is difficult to broaden their horizons, and they tend to see things with a short-sighted.  Some people may even get panic by their thinking ability is stagnant. I have experienced the same situation many times by now, and even if I get older and older, I cannot escape from that kind of curse.

To put it a little crudely, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the competitive or quality that has been built up over half a century have been disrupted by the new coronavirus and a confusing new product development process is rife around.
 For developers, implementing interlocking business processes should be the key to creating business value, genuinely realising it, and gaining market support. We would finally be able to win through in the fierce competition by Building such a process.

Many of the turmoil and unreasonable challenges at the development site and many of the harmful influences that got suppliers involved occurs because they swayed by near-termed competition without aiming to build a consistent and linked business process for technology & product development and supply processes. A structure and support for interlocking management based on the development process would become a critical subject.

Theme creation and front-end loading

 To practice interlocking management, the relationship with Front-End-Loading would be the critical point. The idea of front-end loading is even nothing new. Anyone who has experience in chaotic developing of new products should have ended up to the idea that they should extract the risks in development at the beginning of development from problems that repeat in the same situation.

However, when it comes to implementing it, your willingness to develop would often gradually decline due to various conflicts. Front-end loading is about doing what is natural done so, and if you carry it out, it will interlock the management. And, it can be said that it is the theme creation of new products that supports it.

Theme creation is not having just a random idea but an honest-simple forming of the theme you have searched for. I think it is also important to try this word “simply-honestly” in practice.


1952年10月(生) 東京都出身、英国ウェールズ大学大学院修了
役職 株式会社ジョンクェルコンサルティング 代表取締役
講師歴任 早稲田大学 社会科学総合学術院招聘講師
顧問歴任 岩手県陸前高田市 環境浄化顧問、日本テトラポッド株式会社 技術顧問



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