ジョンクェルコンサルティング [Jonquil Consulting Inc.] ジョンクェルコンサルティング [Jonquil Consulting Inc.]

Green Recoverly Tech. “Decarbonisation now”

Management qualifications and decarbonisation

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has revolutionised the world’s energy situation. I think that drastic movement affects decarbonisation, and the tone of the word “decarbonisation” is unknowingly lowered. However, it is no exaggeration to say that the slogan of decarbonization is now home. At this time, I believe that a company that sets a numerical target for decarbonisation and pushes forward with it will be able to manage it comfortably until 10 years from now. In other words, in the Japanese proverb, “Good comes out of evil”, and it is time to question the qualities of a manager.

Decarbonisation now

In such a harsh environment, in order to promote decarbonisation, I think it is important to have real technology that steadily promotes decarbonisation. I think it is necessary to develop real technology to save the company, rather than focusing on aiming for government subsidies. I think the true people have the skills to spot the fake slogan and are looking forward to finding a real business owner. Now is the time for decarbonisation.


1952年10月(生) 東京都出身、英国ウェールズ大学大学院修了
役職 株式会社ジョンクェルコンサルティング 代表取締役
講師歴任 早稲田大学 社会科学総合学術院招聘講師
顧問歴任 岩手県陸前高田市 環境浄化顧問、日本テトラポッド株式会社 技術顧問



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